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Grants and Loans

We all want that financial and working freedom that being your own boss can offer. But we also know that the vast of majority of new business owners start with very little money. That is why our prices for our packages are so low, getting our clients up and running successfully from less than £3,000! But what happens if that is still too expensive for you to buy a start up?

Well if you need financial assistance there are many loans available in many forms from traditional bank loans to government backed loans. There are also many grants available depending on your personal circumstances and location in the country. Please check the sites below for some of the most common organisations for financial assistance.

This website provides UK government loans up to £25,000 for people looking to gain funding for a new company. Getting funded has never been so accessible than now thanks to this initiative:

Government Backed Start-up Loans Company

Depending on your location, age and other factors there could also be other options, especially local council loans or if you are in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland there may be local loans available from your local parliament/assembly. We would advice that you check all possible forms of funding available if you cannot afford a package by yourself. It is rare that there are no funding options available. If you are struggling just let us know. We will try to assist you in finding funding.