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I Want A Business That Is Not Listed!

business for sale

So you want a business that is not listed on our website? We’re here to help!

We list the most popular business start ups in the UK and make packages for them, but we cant list every possible business for sale. Say for example you want to start your own clothing line? Well you will need all the typical services that we offer on all of our packages like websites, 0800 numbers, marketing material etc, but you will also need other specialist products and services for your new business idea. We will be able to do it for you, just get in touch with a member of our support team.

Just tell the support team your business idea, we will then build you a customised package for your new business, making sure we include everything that you need. If you are happy with the price of the package then we will get to work for you.

Contact us today for a quick informal chat about your idea, there is no obligation to purchase the package at any time.


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