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Over 3,000,000 Companies Registered in The UK, So What is Stopping You?

register a new business in the UK

With this years data released from Companies house it has shown that there are now over 3,170,000 registered and active companies in the UK. For the size of our population it really does show that the UK is in fact not a workers society but very much an entrepreneurial one. This figure does not take into account how many directors and shareholders are linked with these companies, which will no doubt give a higher count than just the companies registered. So what does it mean for you? It shows that many people in the UK are taking the plunge into directorship and we are proud to say that we have helped some of those people in achieving their dreams with our packages.

So what is stopping you? If you have a dream of owning your own business and want our help to set it up in a professional manner then get in touch or purchase a package via our website and make your dream a reality!


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