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Turnkey Business

start-up business packages

A Turnkey Business is a new business that the owner simply has to ‘turn the key’ to begin operating. It will provide the client with everything they require to start operating their new business. Typically this will deal with all the paperwork, equipment, marketing set up and other essentials so the new owner can start operating immediately after they receive the keys to the new business.

A turnkey business is not the same as an established business and not the same as a formation agency business; it is in between these two. An established business will have everything in place, will already be operating, selling to customers and have a company history. A formation agency start-up business will only typically involve a business name being registered for the client at company’s house and occasionally maybe a website or some other extras. Preparing the business for active trading however is left to the new owner.

A Turnkey Business serves the market in between these sectors offering a business which has everything in place, ready to start operating, but without the history. The key benefits to a turnkey business are that the new business owner has all the benefits of buying a company ready to start trading without having to pay a high fee to purchase an established business. You will also be a new company so there will be no company history, good or bad. It is more beneficial than a formation agency as you receive all the tools, equipment and stock to start your new business that a formation agency won’t provide. Therefore it is ideal for anyone looking to start their own business at an affordable price without having any of the problems or issues with getting everything set up.

Here at Turnkey Businesses ltd we provide this service to our clients in the UK. Our start-up business packages supply everything that your new business will require to begin operating and make sure you are ready to start your new life as a business owner. Turn the key to your new business at Turnkey Businesses!


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