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What NOT to do when starting a new business

dont be unprofessional

We often get asked “who are your customers”. It is a question that is usually asked by experienced business owners that have been there and done it 100 times and can’t understand why our company is required. But they often don’t remember the first time they started their first business, they have forgotten just how difficult it was. We exist for this very valid reason. Many people who make great small businesses and earn good money running them are not necessarily entrepreneurs, they haven’t studied business and the finer points of starting and running a business.

Take a small business owner that started a gardening business a few years ago. He was a great gardener, took so much care with every job he took on, had great customer service skills and really should have had the making of a successful business. But where he was so great in the actual day to day work of the business, he was not experienced in starting and running a business and made a lot of mistakes as a result.

The most obvious ones included using a mobile phone number for his main business contact, never a good idea as it shows you are a one man band that probably doesn’t have a fixed office. On top of that he didn’t have a logo, only had a cheap website and it looked like it had been started by somebody in their bedroom (which it was, but you don’t want to give that impression!). Another was a personal email address. This is one of those things that so many new businesses still do even to this day and really is a big no-no. Look at our email: support@turnkeys.biz. Its professional, it is our company name, our website, our commitment to being as professional and helpful to our customers as possible. Now imagine our email was john@yahoo.com and we asked you to contact us on a mobile number, then asked you to hand over your hard earned money for our services. Our services might be the best in the business, but if we don’t look professional it would make people question our ability to be professional with them. Would you see us as a proficient company that was able to do a professional job for you? Probably not! It is just the same as with your company, you need to make sure you are professional at all times to get your customers business, if you don’t care about the reputation of your company then your services will be seen as inferior too.

This is the reason we exist as a company. For the small outlay in cost to us at the start of your business journey really can have a huge impact on how successful you are in the years to come. It is priceless making sure everything is accurate and professional in your business.


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