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Who are Turnkeys.biz?

start your own business uk

Our about us page explains the basics of who we are as a company and what we do. But i wanted to give you a bit of a background on myself and why i started this company.

My name is Will Muirhead and i am the managing director, i started turnkeys.biz to fill a gap in the market and to do what everyone says you should do, make money by doing what you love. I am an entrepreneur from the UK who has started and ran several companies, which i still do to this day. I went to college to study business and even when i worked in an office in my 20’s before starting my first business i was still learning how the structure of the company was set up, how to manage people effectively and how to maximize sales and peoples work rate. Business really is a major part of my life, to put it simply, i’m a serial entrepreneur.

In my business and personal life I have came across so many people who want to start their own business. Most of them never have though and when i speak to people about why they don’t the same stories seemed to keep coming up. Either they didn’t know where to start, just didn’t have the time or felt it was a pipe dream that was nice to think about but would never actually happen. Well i can tell you that it isn’t a pipe dream. It is possible to start a successful business if you know exactly how to do it.

From the people i know who have started businesses many failed. The reason from what i could see very rarely was the product or service they were selling, but more often than not how they set up the business and marketed it. The old rule still applies; you can have the best product in the world, but if nobody knows about it then your business will fail. The issues that people fail with really don’t need to have even happened. Most are mistakes made by rookie company start ups.

You will see some of what i mean in your own town or city. How many times have you seen a van with a mobile phone number on it, or even worse a personal email on it. That is not how to run a business. It has to be professional otherwise people will not even try you out. Its essential when you are a new company trying to find your feet to get every bit of business you can!

Once you have started whether you think you need it or not, i can guarantee you that you need a website, you need to be in directories, you need the right equipment, you need a professional touch, you need to be able to leave your customers happy so they continue to use you and recommend you to their friends. The issue is that so many people get these basics so wrong from the start, and when they do, its hard to get back on track.

That is why i started Turnkeys.biz. I wanted to make sure if you want to start your own business you don’t get bogged down for months trying to set up a company and do everything that is needed for it. It takes so much of your time, effort and money and at the end of it leaves you exhausted, and that is before you have even got your first customer. We take all of that hard work and stress away from you. We set up everything, buy all the equipment you will need, set up the website, professional email, set you up with an 0800 number, make sure everything is in place for you to start making money right away. On top of that we also deal with your marketing, getting you marketing material like leaflets designed and printed up for you, a professional logo, online marketing, online directory submissions. Essentially we deal with it all.

That will leave you still fresh and enthusiastic to start dealing with your new customers knowing your company is completely set up and professional throughout.

I am always just an email or phone call away, not just for questions about our packages, but also to help you with advice and tips if you need it. I’m not Richard Branson or Donald Trump by any stretch of the imagination, but i know when you start a business for the first time it can be difficult to find good advice and help for free, so if you need me, i am here. My direct contact details will be included in your package so you can contact me anytime you need me. Remember, if you are a success, then we are a success, and just like you will be, we want our customers to be happy with our service!


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